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Setting The Stage For Cairo

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Obama has had something of a media coup in the Middle Eastern press, especially Iran:

A headline from state-run Iran Daily declares, "Obama to Get Mideast Talks Back on Track," while, according to
Saudi English-language outlet Arab News, Obama's trip "evokes hope
for the future" in Saudis. A sub-head in Pakistani newspaper Dawn declares that Obama looks to revive peace talks "while a US confrontation steadily builds with Israel." Both Iran Daily and the Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency ran stories on Obama's discussions of Iranian nuclear-energy ambitions--both of them posing Obama favorably.

Hezbollah-run Al-Manar TV highlighted Israeli criticism of Obama and played up
the souring of relations under Bush. Obama has the chance "be marked as
an ally of Muslims, not an adversary as his predecessor was cast," according to an editorial in Qatari English-language daily The Peninsula. The English-language Yemen Post reported
that Obama's trip has "kindled hope," though Muslims want to see
tangible policy changes. In an op-ed in The Jordan Times, former
Jordanian Minister of Culture Faisal Al Rfouh writes Obama's visit "could hold the key" to the basic issues of Israeli/Palestinian peace and Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Know hope.

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

[Source: Television News]

Setting The Stage For Cairo

posted by tgazw @ 9:25 AM, ,

Dick Cheney, Federalist?

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As both Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch argued last week, commenting on this article in The Weekly Standard, we are seeing the "last gasp of a losing argument" from opponents of gay marriage. A few days later, former Solicitor General Ted Olson, who argued Bush v. Gore for the Bushies, joined forces with liberal lawyer (and former Gore council) David Boies and filed a legal challenge to California's Prop. 8. Now former Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking at the National Press Club, affirmed his support for a federalist approach to same-sex marriage, telling assembled journalists that "people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. Any kind of arrangement they wish."

The question of whether or not there ought to be a federal statute to protect this, I don't support. I do believe that the historically the way marriage has been regulated is at the state level. It has always been a state issue and I think that is the way it ought to be handled, on a state-by-state basis. But I don't have any problem with that. People ought to get a shot at that.

Via RealClearPolitics, which also has the video.

Dick Cheney, Federalist?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Dick Cheney, Federalist?

[Source: International News]

Dick Cheney, Federalist?

[Source: Salem News]

Dick Cheney, Federalist?

[Source: Cnn News]

Dick Cheney, Federalist?

posted by tgazw @ 7:19 AM, ,

Oh, we got a video on that one, too

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by Amanda Marcotte

Because fuckheads who don’t know what they’re talking about are beginning to blather about how they think they know better than actual doctors about the realities of late term abortion, I thought I’d put up a video that we made explaining the facts.

RH Reality Check: Late Term Abortions from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

It’s interesting that Republicans have used the occasion of a new Supreme Court nomination to denounce the quality of empathy.  You know, the quality that genuinely decent and brave people like Dr. George Tiller had in spades, while moral cowards like Megan McArdle suffer a massive deficit.

Rewatching that, I feel particularly weird about the line I wrote about how using late term abortion as a political football is dangerous.  In my head, I was thinking about the women who need to have safe abortion available for dangerous pregnancies.  Now I realize that it’s also dangerous in terms of riling people up so they commit hate crimes.

Oh, we got a video on that one, too

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Oh, we got a video on that one, too

[Source: State News]

Oh, we got a video on that one, too

[Source: Daily News]

Oh, we got a video on that one, too

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Oh, we got a video on that one, too

posted by tgazw @ 5:38 AM, ,

Quote For The Day

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"If anyone has an urge to kill someone at an abortion clinic, they should shoot me. ... It's madness. It discredits the right-to-life movement. Murder is murder. It's madness. You cannot prevent killing by killing." - John Cardinal O'Connor.

Quote For The Day

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Quote For The Day

[Source: Wb News]

Quote For The Day

[Source: News Headlines]

Quote For The Day

[Source: La News]

Quote For The Day

posted by tgazw @ 4:00 AM, ,

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

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Mary-Louise Parker

Mary-Louise Parker wants to set the record straight: She loves being naked.

The star of Showtime's Weeds (Season 5 premieres Monday, June 8 at 10 pm/ET) is speaking out in response to a recent interview with More magazine that gave the impression that she regretted doing a nude scene that appeared in the Season 4 finale episode. "They made it sound like I was like, 'They made me take my clothes off and chained me to the bathtub,'" Parker says. What's the naked truth? Read on...

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Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

[Source: Boston News]

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

[Source: Cbs News]

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

[Source: Wb News]

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

[Source: Boston News]

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

[Source: October News]

Exclusive: Mary-Louise Parker: "I'm Always Naked"

posted by tgazw @ 1:49 AM, ,

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

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Steve Herzfeld managed an admirably inventive end-run around high healthcare costs for his Parkinson's- and Alzheimer's-afflicted parents. After in-home care was no longer possible, he priced American nursing homes, but found that the cheapest acceptable option was still $6,000. So he sent them to India. Quality elderly care in Puducherry cost less than his father's fixed income. According to the Guardian:

[In India, Herzfeld] could give his parents a much higher standard of care than would have been possible in the US for his father's income of $2,000 (£1,200) a month. In India that paid for their rent, a team of carers—a cook, a valet for his father, nurses to be with his mother 12 hours a day, six days a week, a physiotherapist and a masseuse—and drugs (costing a fifth of US prices), and also allowed them to put some money away...."In India, they really like older people," says Herzfeld, describing how the staff seemed to regard his parents as their own family.

Of course, the care was inexpensive because a couple thousand bucks goes further in Puducherry than it might in, say, Fort Lauderdale. Herzfeld, though, apparently believes that it was cheap because elderly care in America is greedily overpriced by providers. He vents about about healthcare and the profit motive: 

[Herzfeld] believes that India could teach the US and UK a lot about care of the elderly. "In America, healthcare is done for profit, so that skews the whole thing and makes it very inhuman in its values," he says.

I try not to begrudge a man his fantasies, but the idea that the nurses, valets, and masseuses of Puducherry were doing it all out of the goodness of their hearts—rather than the goodness of their paychecks—is condescending. It was simple outsourcing, not subcontinental altruism, that saved Steve Herzfeld so much money.

In Reason's May 2009 print edition, Ronald Bailey wrote about the outsourcing of hip replacement.

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Wb News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Mexico News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Nascar News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

[Source: Kenosha News]

Shuffleboard in Puducherry

posted by tgazw @ 12:20 AM, ,


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